Become a Sustaining Donor Today!
For the first time, we are directly asking for your tax-deductible, year-end contribution to support the work of the Peachtree Creek Greenway, Inc. This has been a very busy and productive year for the Peachtree Creek Greenway (PCG) and Peachtree Creek Greenway, Inc. (PCGI). 2022 promises to be just as fruitful and exciting.
What We Did in 2021
+ Collaborating with DeKalb County Commissioners to engage the PATH Foundation in leveraging a $150,000 award to develop a comprehensive concept plan to identify the feasibility of the extension of the Greenway in the City of Chamblee and north into unincorporated DeKalb County encompassing five (5) additional segments.
+ Facilitating ”City to City” meetings between strategic staff members from Brookhaven and Doraville which led to Doraville funding their own feasibility study for a PCG Connector Trail and a Master Agreement with PATH.
+ Engaging with city, county, state, and federal officials to ensure that they are fully informed and supportive of funding for the Greenway.
+ Obtaining letters of intent from commercial landowners for the donation of land for PCG’s expansion.
+ Sponsoring and managing creek cleanups along the North Fork Peachtree Creek.
+ Leading guided tours along the Greenway garnering support for Phase 2 approval and construction in Brookhaven and Atlanta.
+ Mailing out flyers to over 2,000 households in the Phase 2 area.
+ Hiring our first Executive Director.
What’s Coming in 2022
+ Continue to collaborate with the PATH Foundation, DeKalb County, and the cities of Atlanta, Brookhaven, Chamblee, and Doraville.
+ Ensure that studies being conducted include all recommended options and standards in Atlanta, Chamblee, Doraville, and DeKalb County.
+ Witness the beginning of construction on Phase 2 in Brookhaven.
+ Continue our advocacy and outreach with the City of Atlanta and our other partners/ collaborators to connect the Greenway to the Atlanta Beltline, PATH 400, and other trails to obtain far-reaching connectivity throughout the area.
+ Continue discussions with property owners along the PCG corridor to obtain permissions needed for the Greenway’s expansion.
+ Develop new and innovative ways to introduce residents to the Greenway and engaging them in outdoor activities centered around the Greenway.
+ Create new community partnerships while expanding our existing relationships.
We can’t accomplish all of these goals without your generous support. Please consider joining one of our new supporter levels to help PCGI continue our advocacy work and goal of seeing all 12+ miles of the Greenway built in Atlanta, Brookhaven, Chamblee, Doraville, and unincorporated DeKalb County to the design standards used in the first mile.
Contributions can be made by clicking here, or by mailing a check to Peachtree Creek Greenway, Inc. at P.O. Box 190126, Atlanta, GA 31119-0126.
We thank you for your generous support!
Vicki Hood
Board Chairperson
Chris Hester
Executive Director