Donate Your Car to Support Peachtree Creek Greenway

Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint, or do you have an extra vehicle that you no longer use? You can now support the Peachtree Creek Greenway by donating your car. This new initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our environmental projects and make a lasting impact in our community.

How Does It Work?

Donating your vehicle is simple and straightforward. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Complete the Online Donation Form: Visit our vehicle donation page here to fill out the donation form (you can also call). The Vehicle Donation Support team is available to help you seven days a week if you have any questions.
  2. Schedule Your Free Pickup: After you submit your form, our partner will arrange for a licensed tow company to pick up your vehicle at a time that’s convenient for you. There’s no cost involved for you—the vehicle will be taken to one of the many sale locations and prepared for sale.
  3. Receive a Tax Deduction: Vehicle donations are tax-deductible. Our Partners strive to obtain the highest return per vehicle to benefit both our projects and your tax deductions. You will receive a donation receipt from the driver at the time of pickup. Additionally, a thank-you letter will be mailed to you within 30 days of the vehicle’s sale, which will also serve as your donation tax receipt.

Why Donate?

Donating your car, truck, motorcycle, or even a boat can significantly contribute to the funding of the Peachtree Creek Greenway. Each donation helps us continue our work on advocacy and community-building projects. It’s a practical way to support the Greenway if you’re moving towards a more sustainable lifestyle or simply have a vehicle that is going unused.

Turn your unused vehicle into a valuable resource for our community. It’s an easy way to make a meaningful contribution without the hassle of selling your vehicle yourself. Plus, the process is efficient, free, and potentially beneficial at tax time.

Get Started Today

Ready to turn your vehicle into greenway gold? Start the donation process by visiting our dedicated car donation page. Your contribution will pave the way for a greener future for everyone in our community. Join us in driving forward the mission of the Peachtree Creek Greenway with your generous support.